Storm Electricity is a network of game-developers. We are specialised in creating 2d-shooting games. Currently working on the game about a beehive called "Wildhoney". We aim to make games for Windows, OS-X and Nintendo Switch.

Moodboard Wildhoney
We are also present on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.
We already have a shop online where you can buy t-shirts.
The name of the newsletter is Rainy Seasons. Read it first or subscribe here!

Moodboard Wildhoney
Get Game Development on Wildhoney!
Follow us on Mastodon: @stormelectricity@mastodon.gamedev.place and on Bluesky: @stormelectricity.bsky.social.We are also present on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.
We already have a shop online where you can buy t-shirts.
Please join the newsletter!
I will post about every two weeks about game updates, but also about interesting stuff and game-recommondations for 2d-shooter enthusiasts.The name of the newsletter is Rainy Seasons. Read it first or subscribe here!
Datenschutz / Privacy Statement
Für den Newsletter nutzen wir Beehiiv. Diese sammeln einige Daten, zum Beispiel neben der E-Mail auch Nutzungsverhalten der Nutzer und Nutzerinnen, die subscriben. Dazu gehören: Wer öffnet den Newsletter, welche Links werden genutzt, Location-Inforationen und weitere statistische Daten. Link zur Datenschutzerklärung von Beehiiv.For the newsletter we use Beehiiv. They collect some data, for example, in addition to the email also usage behavior of users and subscribers. This includes: Who opens the newsletter, which links are used, location information and other statistical data. Link to the privacy statement from Beehiiv.
Martin WisniowskiThusneldastr. 4
50679 Köln